Skills & Resources to Increase Your Efficiency as a Care Manager
Most likely you don’t have much free time between work and your personal life. Trying to manage everything can feel overwhelming at times. There are plenty of tools out there that can help you to make your work life as a care manager more efficient (for you and your clients). But how do you find […]
7 Ways to Improve Your Health as a Care Manager
Being a Care Manager is stressful. Everything from the day to day operations to the marketing decisions lies all on your shoulders. It becomes very easy to push aside your own health in order to continue fostering the health of your business. You may find yourself saying things like… “I’ll skip that walk today..” “I […]
Understanding The Difference Between Care Managers, Patient Advocates And Case Managers To Enhance The Care Continuum
Life Care management is an often unfamiliar field that is often confused with other professional services. Life Care Management, also referred to as “Care Management”, is a very well-kept secret. Oftentimes people find a life care manager and sigh with relief stating, “why didn’t I know about you years ago”? In this month’s blog, we […]
7 Effective Tips for Leading a Remote Team
When COVID-19 hit in 2020, many people were unprepared to transition their employees to a remote setting. For others, the pandemic provided unforeseen stress and hardships on businesses, making more of a need for people to hire help to pivot their businesses or support additional workload. In either of these scenarios, business owners were thrown […]
How to Conquer Working and Parenting During Covid
Across the world, due to the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), parents are struggling to juggle working from home, doing virtual learning with their children, and trying to keep their children emotionally stable and mentally and physically engaged. If that’s not enough, they are also worried about having enough hand sanitizer and toilet paper stocked […]
The Importance of Perseverance to Make Your Business Successful
We have always heard that perseverance is the key to achieving your goals But is this just something nice to say or is there real truth to it? Psychologist, Angela Duckworth dove into this notion to learn if passion and persistence really does have an impact on success. Her Book, “Grit: The Power of Passion […]
How to Navigate Online Networking in 2021
COVID-19 has dramatically changed the way we do business and interact with each other. Some of these changes may be temporary, while others may stick around and become permanent ways in which we work and communicate. There are many uncertainties right now, but what we do know is that we have to adapt as best […]
6 Reasons Why Sleep is So Important
Sleep plays one of the most important roles in your physical health. Sleep is involved in healing and the repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Many healthcare professionals are trying to shed light on […]