The Importance of Perseverance to Make Your Business Successful

We have always heard that perseverance is the key to achieving your goals

But is this just something nice to say or is there real truth to it? 

Psychologist, Angela Duckworth dove into this notion to learn if passion and persistence really does have an impact on success. Her Book, “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” explores this idea. 

So Why Is It That Some People Succeed And Others Fail? 

What Angela Duckworth and other researchers have found is that achievement is not based on talent but a blend of passion and persistence, which Angela Duckworth calls “grit” (Duckworth, 2020). 

Everyone, even the most successful entrepreneurs have faced their share of defeat. It is in those moments of having to look defeat in the face is when people are truly tested. It is a time when you have to ask yourself..

“Do I keep going?”

“Is it time to move on?”

“How can I move past this obstacle?”

“How can I look at this in another way?”

The individuals who begin to question themselves and take time to look at the situation from different angles are the individuals who begin persevering. They are not going to accept defeat. They know that there is a problem and that there must be a solution- even if it’s throwing everything you know away and starting from scratch to think outside of the box. Pushing yourself to do this provides valuable lessons about yourself and your business (Tobak, 2016). 

You can find ways to improve your business, create new ideas and approaches and feel inspired that you are moving in a direction that will not only help you but your clients. We need those obstacles in order to make our businesses stronger and survive any upcoming storms. 

Sustainable businesses change. 

They don’t stay exactly the same year after year. They mold and bend to meet the ever evolving world. The entrepreneurs who face changes and make their businesses stronger are the ones who have “grit.” They are not more talented or intelligent. They are just the individuals who have chosen to stay the course, question the norm and find ways to meet obstacles so that their businesses flourish. 

We need to take our best ideas, our strongest intuitions, and we need to test them. We need to measure whether we’ve been successful, and we have to be willing to fail, to be wrong, to start over again with lessons learned. In other words, we need to be gritty.

-Angela Duckworth 

Talking about the importance of perseverance in your business is great, but how do you actually persevere when obstacles get thrown in your way?

Let’s go through our top 5 tips!

5 Tips on How to Continue Persevering When Obstacles Arise

  1. Having A Clear Vision

If you were taking a road trip, you would need to know what your final ending point would be in order to make a map of the roads to take as well as all of the landmarks and other things you’d like to see along the way. 

Having a clear vision in your business is the same thing. You need to know where you want to end up in order to “make your map” and find different roads to get there. As obstacles arise, you can then modify your map and make detours, but you must have the clear vision of where you’re heading in order to overcome those “roadblocks” on your road trip. 

  1. Picture The Resolution

You constantly hear gurus tell you to meditate in order to be more focused. Whether you love meditating or you prefer taking long walks to find clarity, it’s important to spend time picturing the resolution to obstacles. When we only focus on the problem, we can’t see past it. Think about..

How will I feel when I overcome this obstacle? 

What will overcoming this obstacle look like for my business? 

How will overcoming this help me personally and professionally?

What am I going to do for myself when I have overcome this obstacle?

By asking yourself these questions it will help you to see the issue more clearly and feel motivated to take these challenges head on.  

  1. Accepting Failure 

Many people view failure as defeat. But realistically, when you are tacking a problem and coming up with solutions, some of those solutions may not work. And that’s okay! It’s just part of the process. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t keep trying, it just means that you are identifying what doesn’t work in order to get to the ultimate way of overcoming this challenge. Failure is one of the best teachers to help make your business stronger and more resilient. 

  1. Keep An Open Mind To Change

We are creatures of habit and when obstacles arise, we want to just continue along the same course. But in order to continue having your business be successful, you have to continue to mold and adapt your business around continual change. Try looking at change as exciting and an opportunity for your personal and professional growth. Write down how having your business evolve over time will ultimately help your clients care. 

  1. Stay Consistent

The fastest way that people go off course in their businesses is when they are not consistent. When challenges arise, we must continue to do the proven methods in our business that we know will work. Yes, there are areas that we must change and adapt but there are certain core areas that we must continue being consistent in. One area of consistency that is a must is your focus and your daily routine. 

Intellect and ambition may help us navigate the challenge, but it’s our ability to withstand those trials that will ultimately see us to the other side.”

Mary Juetten- Writer for Forbes

We would love to hear your tips for how to continue persevering when obstacles arise! Feel free to comment in the thread below!


Duckworth, Angela. (2020). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Retrieved from:

Juetten, Mary. (2020). The Importance of Perseverance. Retrieved from:, Steve. (2016). What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur? Perseverance.Retrieved from:

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