How To Position Yourself Online So You Can Grow Your Care Management Business

The majority of consumers start their journey by finding and comparing companies online. Once they gather their information, they follow up with a call to find out more information or take the next step of setting up an appointment. Since so much initial research is done online, it’s essential to make sure your care management business has a professional and easy to find online presence. Many times, this is the first impression people will have of your care management business and will either make them more interested to take a specific action to work with you or quickly move onto another site. 

To put this in context, here are some facts (Anderson, 2021): 

  • 5% of all google searches are health related 
  • Clients who booked healthcare appointments ran 3x more google searches than those who didn’t.
  • Consumers researching physical therapists, nursing homes, and optometrists are the most likely to use search engines

In this month’s blog, we are going to look at how you can position yourself online so you can grow your care management business. 

Client workflow 

The first step in making sure you are ready for new clients to work with you is to have a client workflow. A client workflow gives you a picture and breakdown of steps from where potential clients are finding you to what happens after you have had contact with them (you send them a contract, information package, etc) all the way to the ending point of working with them. By creating this, you’re able to have your client have a valuable experience, ensure consistency throughout the interaction process, and manage clients expectations. This will also give you insight on where you can market yourself and make any changes needed to your client process. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself when creating a client workflow: 

  • How are my clients finding me? What type of advertising would work so more clients find me? 
  • What actions do I want potential clients to take? (e.g. schedule a call)
  • What will they receive from me to make my services & process clear? 
  • What should be included on my website to make this process seamless?
  • What automated systems can I set up to simplify my process? 

Make sure to take the time to do this. It will help save you time in the long run when you’re able to visually see how all the moving parts in your business should work together. 

Optimize Your Website

When starting a care management business, many people want to save money and create their own website using an easy drag and drop template. This sounds great but hiring a web designer and a copywriter is worth the money. They can put your website together in a way that is appealing to users as well as format it correctly for SEO (search engine optimization) and write marketing copy that will grab potential clients attention and have them take action. By doing this, it will help your website to show up and rank higher in relèvent searches. This is one of the most important steps to having a solid online foundation for your business. 

Identify Your Strategy

Creating a website is fantastic and one of the most important steps. But it’s only a step. You can’t stop there. Building an amazing website is like creating a beautiful Billboard and putting it in the middle of nowhere and then expecting people to start picking up the phone and calling you. You’ve got to create a strategy of how to drive traffic to your website and have people take action. Strategies really depend on what your goal is. 

Your strategy could range from…

  • Running paid ads to have people sign up to have an informational call with you. 
  • Have people sign up for a monthly webinar that you offer to try and convert them into clients.

There is no one strategy that works but there must be a strategic plan in order to reach your goals. If you’re struggling with identifying what the best method for your business might be, look into hiring a freelance marketing strategist that can help you put a plan together. 

Social media

Identify what social media platforms you’re going to use. Make sure to use only one or two when you’re starting out. If you are trying to be on all platforms, you’re going to spend too much time trying to create different content for each and not gain momentum on any of them. Focus on one or two that will provide you with the most visibility. You can narrow them down in two ways:  

  1. Think about the types of content you’re going to be putting out. If doing talks/videos is not a good option for you, then you can exclude YouTube, TikTok and possibly Instagram. If writing is more in your wheelhouse, Linkedin might be a better option. 
  2. Make sure to do research to find out what social media platforms your clients are using. This will also help you to identify which platforms you should be using. 

Lead Magnets 

A lead magnet is an offer that you can promote to prospective customers in exchange for their email address and perhaps other forms of information such as name and phone numbers (Ho, 2018).

This is a really important piece to your marketing. This will help you to gain information from prospective clients so that you can follow up with them or continue to communicate with them to gain their trust. Once you have a lead magnet, you can have it on your website, post it on your social media platforms and even use it for paid ads. 

Make sure you have a plan for individuals who do not sign up for your services. Having them on your monthly newsletter is a great option. You’re able to nurture the relationship so that they continue thinking of you and can reach out if they need services/change their mind, etc. 

We went through the 5 core areas that will help position your care management business online. Let us know what steps you’re going to take to propel your care management business forward!


Anderson, Derek. (2021). 29 Statistics Healthcare Marketers Need to Know in 2021. Retrieved from:

Ho, Marcus. (2018). What Is a Lead Magnet & 10 Examples You Can Use Now. Retrieved from:

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